
About This Project

0-99 is a sound installation with 100 voices from people aged 0 to 99 answering the same question: “If you could say something to your younger self, what would you say?”


The voices are arranged by age around a cylindrical structure, starting at 0 and ending at 99, forming a complete continuous circle.


Attendees walk, some in chronological order, some in reverse, others jumping to selective ages — almost all take a moment at their own age, their reference point.


Listening to the individual voices, they notice the ups and downs, the patterns of what is said, and the generational differences. However, what is most significant and unanticipated is the natural change in tone and the inevitable change in the textures of the voices as the age increments.


Watching the attendees interact with the piece, I experience a paradox between individuality and commonality, being a single point in time and being a part of the infinite whole—one same-looking aux jack in an expansive white space.


Special thanks to TEDxBangkok and all 100 voices.


Public sound installation, interactive media